Water and Sewer Service
The amount of water used determines your water and sewer billing. Meters are read and billed monthly to ensure accuracy and prevent water leakage not found on a timely basis. A meter service charge is billed monthly also to all water and sewer customers for maintenance and replacement of meters. Bills are due on the 25th of each month (or the next business day if the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday). A 5% late fee is added onto all accounts that are paid after the due date. A payment drop box is located on the front outside wall of the Government Center located at 4140 5th Street for your convenience.
Also, available is the direct payment plan which automatically deducts your payment on the 25th of the month (or the next business day if a weekend or holiday). Payments are pulled out of your Checking or Savings Account or charged to your Credit or Debit Card.
Print and complete the appropriate authorization form located below and return it to us. If you have any questions, call us at 507-452-1630. The only utilities the City of Goodview provides is water and sewer.
When using the online payment option only type your last name in the box and leave the account number box blank your account should pop up.
Please note that if you are paying online after the 25th, your late fee WILL NOT show up on here but it is still on your account.