Welcome to Goodview!
The City operates its own Police Department and Volunteer Fire Department. To contact either department in an emergency please dial 911. Any questions concerning either department may be directed to the City of Goodview Office. The City Office hours are 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Council meets the first and third Monday nights of each month at 4140 5th Street. The public is welcome to attend. Any other inquiries may be directed to Dan Matejka, Administrator, 4140 5th Street, Goodview, (507) 452-1630.
Burning - The City of Goodview is governed by State Law which bans all open burning. The Goodview Fire Chief has the option to issue a burning permit when specific requirements and conditions are met.
Compost Site - A compost site is available for Goodview residents located at 4675 Theurer Blvd. Grass clippings, leaves, tree limbs and brush are allowed. The site is open March 23rd through November 23rd (weather permitting), Monday and Wednesday, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. & Saturday 10:00 - 3:00 p.m. Minimal charges apply. Dumping is prohibited when the site is not supervised
Curfew - Young people under 17 years of age are to be accompanied by a parent or guardian while on any public grounds during the hours of 10:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Dogs - All dogs over six months of age must be licensed annually. Each license expires annually on the last day of February and must be renewed during the month of March. All dogs must have shots for rabies effective through the current licensing period. Dogs are not permitted to run at large and must be under control at all times. Any dog caught running at large may be impounded It shall be the duty of each person having the custody or control of a dog to remove any feces left by such dog on any sidewalk, gutter, street, park land or other public property, or any public area, and to dispose of such feces in a sanitary manner.
Garbage, Rubbish Removal - the City does not operate a pick-up service and suggests that any of the private disposal firms be contacted for service.
Goodview Sandlot Baseball – The Goodview Sandlot Baseball Association has been existence since the year 2001 providing competitive baseball in the Winona Area. The goal of Sandlot baseball is to create a positive environment in which kids will be taught the fundamentals of baseball. Emphasis is placed on sportsmanship, teamwork and respect for the game. The Goodview coaches, the Directors of Competition, and an independent baseball source organize this league. For more information please click the following link to their website Goodview Sandlot.
Parking - No vehicle may be parked or left standing on any City Street for more than 24 hours. From November 1st through March 31st, no parking is allowed on any of the City streets between the hours of 1:00 a.m. through 7:00 a.m.
Parks and Recreation - Five parks are located in the City for your enjoyment. The first is located at 44th Avenue and 6th Street, the second at 44th Avenue & 9th Street intersections, the third located in Woodhaven Estates, the fourth located in WE Valley Estates and the largest park is located along Highway 61 at Lake Goodview. A Winona/Goodview summer youth program is available. Contact the Winona Park Rec. at 457-8258 for further information.
Recycling - There is a county curbside recycling service available. If you have questions or concerns, contact Winona Environmental Services recycling dept. at 457-6405. A schedule of pick-up times and other general information is also available on the following link - Winona County Recycling.
Voting - Any citizen over the age of 18 years who has been a resident of Minnesota for more than 20 days may vote at elections in the City of Goodview. You may register at the County Auditor’s Office in Winona. There are three precincts in the City. Voting for both precincts is held at the Goodview Fire Station, 4135 5th Street, Goodview. Please contact the City of Goodview Office to receive information on the correct precinct for voting. At the time of election, the election judges will also be of assistance in the proper voting precinct.
Water and Sewer Service - The amount of water used determines your water and sewer billing. Meters are read and billed monthly to ensure adequacy and prevent water leakage not found on a timely basis. A meter service charge is billed monthly also to all water or sewer customers for maintenance and replacement of meters. Payments are due on the 25th of each month except when the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday. The due date will always be printed in the top right corner of your billing statement. A 5% late fee is added onto all accounts that are paid after the due date. A payment drop box is located on the front outside wall of the City Administration building for your convenience. Residents also have the option of choosing a direct payment plan which automatically deducts payment on the due date each month out of your checking/savings account or credit/debit card.