Requirements for a Permit to Purchase a handgun:
- Must be at least 21 years old to purchase a handgun or handgun ammunition from a federally licensed dealer
- Must be at least 18 years old to purchase a semi-automatic assault rifle
- Be a resident within the police jurisdiction of Goodview***
- Provide a valid Minnesota driver’s license or other picture ID
- Successfully pass a criminal history check.
***You must be resident within the police jurisdiction of Goodview.
Your Driver’s License must reflect your current address.
Complete all sections except Dealer Information section
After permit is approved, we will call you to arrange a time for you to pick up your permit. You must bring your MN Driver’s License with you at that time. If your permit is denied, you will receive a letter in the mail.
Please use the attached document to access the Minnesota Uniform Firearm Application/Receipt Permit to Purchase/Transfer.